Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Success is our Failure

Let me explain something: I don't know how to explain things anymore. I could tell you a lot of good things or I could tell you a lot of bad things and either way I wouldn't be lying at all. I could tell you things that make me sad or tell you why coming here was completely worth it. I could tell you how much I've learned or grown as a person, about the people I've met, conversations I've had... Which is what I meant to be doing with this blog. But a blog can't even begin to describe my experience here. There's too much to say and too many ways to say them. There's so many sides to everything that I just can't explain it anymore. I don't even know the truth behind a lot of things, or what will happen in the future when I'm gone.

Ok. It's like this: I love you too much, but I'm so so worried about you.

That's the only way I can put it.


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